Finding a person who doesn’t like dragons would probably be harder than finding the actual dragon. Dragons are part of culture since its beginnings.
They have a big role in Asian cultures, but stories about dragons (or actual dragons) can be found all over the world. Croatia has a couple of stories about these mythical beasts, but the story about Dragon’s eye is fascinating and scary at the same time.
Where is this Dragon’s eye?
If you are relaxing somewhere in Šibenik looking for a place to visit, this article will give you the next destination. You don’t have to go far. You, actually, don’t have to do anything. Give us a call and the best taxi in town will take you on a beautiful ride. After just 35 km you will be in the heart of Dalmatia.

A small town in the big bay is well known among boat owners. Rogoznica is well protected against winds and marina Frapa is often called the most beautiful marina on the Adriatic sea.
Don’t think you’ll be bored in Rogoznica if you aren’t a boat person. During tourist season population of Rogoznica raises a couple of times. The rich program ensures a good time for all the visitors so finding a sad face there becomes hard. The same thing happens with a parking spot so we would recommend you to take a taxi and enjoy freely.
The beautiful clear sea will wash all the stress and restaurants in Rogoznica are almost as good as their people. People of Rogoznica are great hosts, you will feel like home after the first sip of coffee in one of the cafe bars.
But somebody else feels like home in Rogoznica.
On the peninsula Gradina nature created another Croatian masterpiece. Ecliptic lake with vertical cliffs will surely find a spot on your list of favorite places in Croatia.
Why is this lake so special?
The shape of this lake and surrounding cliffs, that are 4 m to 24 m high, are just the tip of the iceberg.
Aldo this lake has no visible surface connection with the sea scientist found solid evidence that freshwater from the lake and sea mix through the limestone. That is one of the reasons why so many animals and plants decided to live in the dragon’s lake. Jellyfishes, fishes and even turtles inhabit this lake. Lake got its name thanks to the ecliptic shape, color, and chemical properties.

Every couple of years all the animals from the lake run away to the sea.
That is strange on its own but after animals go away water in the lake starts a process similar to boiling.
The dragon sleeps under the bottom of the lake so now and then it moves a little and spits some fire. He does that to warn the people of Rogoznica to stay humble despite the fact they live in one of the most beautiful bays on Croatian coast.

Now you know how the lake got its name and you are aware that dragon sleeps under it.
Try to imagine how you would feel staring in the Dragon’s Eye.
Scared? Petrified? Probably.
If you visit Rogoznica you will have a chance to stare in the Dragon’s Eye and be amazed.