Imagine a place where the big river enters the sea surrounded by mighty cliffs.
The place I am talking about is just like that. On a meet point of three nature’s forces.
That might lead you to a false track. If you imagine the place I’m describing as something wild and unreachable, you couldn’t be more wrong. Just 18 km north of Šibenik a small town Skradin enjoys its natural gifts. Join us on a short, yet beautiful, boat ride and discover a hidden gem in a Šibenik’s crown.

Proud past
Ancient Scardona got its name after the cliffs that will take your breath away when you see them. Now Skradin might be a small touristic place, but it has a rich history. In Roman times Scardona was an administrative and military center of the region. Skradin was a center of Skradin županija, but reached its peak under Šubić rule when it was pronounced the free city. Nothing lasts forever so Skradin entered some hard times. It was under Ottomans and then Venice. Later Napoleon and Austro-Hungarian Monarchy took Skradin. That lead to losing status and Šibenik became the center of the region.

Glorious present
Today Skradin is well known around the world thanks to its position. Safe port for those who want to take some rest of the sea. The perfect place to start exploring national park Krka, and a haven for photographers and artists.
In my opinion, the best way of reaching Skradin is with a boat from Šibenik. That will help you understand why Scardona was so important for Romans. It was in such a good spot. Well connected, but easily protected. There is a big chance you won’t think about Romans and military strategies while cruising between cliffs on one of our taxi boats. I’m certain that you won’t be able to think about anything. You’ll just stare and be overwhelmed by nature.
When we reach Skradin make sure you do some sightseeing. UNESCO took this pearl under its protection and you will see why. Most of the buildings are from Venetian time and built in their style. That romantic atmosphere in the gentle hug of cliffs, caresses of sea waves and calls of the mighty river are attractive to everybody. You can’t come to Skradin only once, it is just too magical, it will call you back. And you will return.
Even Bill Gates knows that. According to Forbes Skradin is one of his favorite places for vacation. If the man who can be anywhere in the world chooses to be in Skradin you must come and see what makes this place so special.
Skradin is beautiful during the whole year but if you visit it in summer there is a big chance you will witness some amazing events. First Saturday in August is traditionally reserved for “Susret dalmatinskih klapa Skradin”. Singing in “klapa” is traditional in the whole Dalmatia. Singers use only their voices to take you to another dimension. That old way of singing has been recognized by UNESCO and it is one of Croatia’s biggest treasures. Visit Skradin and experience a unique mix of positive feelings. Listen to UNESCO protected klapa while you eat Mediterranean food, also protected by UNESCO. All of that in one of the most beautiful places in the world – Skradin.

How to get to Skradin?
If you find yourself in Šibenik looking for amazing experience go to Skradin. Give us a call and we’ll send one of our luxurious boats. You’ll just have to sit back, relax, and soak in the juicy smells of summer.